BookAuthority is the world's leading site for book recommendations, dedicated to helping readers discover the most recommended books on various subjects.
We search the internet daily for new books and recommendations, then we evaluate and categorize each book.
BookAuthority is used by millions of readers worldwide, and has been featured on CNN, Forbes, and Inc. The site drives the sale of over 100,000 book copies (nearly $2M in sales) every year.
BookAuthority operates through a fully automated process. Our AI and algorithms scan the internet, analyze recommendations, and determine which books are featured. To maintain impartiality, we have no editorial control and cannot manually add, feature, or review any books. Therefore, we do not review books and cannot accept any book feature requests.
We scour the internet daily for books and book recommendations.
Then, we evaluate and rate the books based on data points such as expert recommendations, user reviews, reader sentiment, and popularity.
Finally, we organize the books by subject and compile useful book lists, featuring the most recommended books in any given subject.
Congratulations on making it to the list and being featured by BookAuthority!
Books that are featured on BookAuthority are ranked (#1, #2, #3) and sorted based on their rating, which is explained below:
To keep our site objective and impartial, BookAuthority star ratings for each book are calculated based on factors such as:
✔ Public recommendations of the book